Dear friends of Uganda in OLPH,
Greetings from St. John the Evangelist Minor Seminary in the diocese of Kasese, Western Uganda.
In August last year I made an appeal to you for help to replace the roofs of four classroom blocks in our seminary which houses 150 young men between the age of 14-20 years in the early stages of priestly formation.
You generously responded to this call and were able to raise funds that enabled us to replace the roof of one building. I would like to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation on behalf of the seminary and my bishop, for enabling our children to find a better environment for their academic formation towards the priestly ministry.
We still need your prayers and good will to be able to complete the roofs of the remaining three buildings.
Attached are pictures showing the building before, during and after renovation. It is our dream to have all the remaining buildings repaired.
God bless you forever and may His favor remain upon you and your families.
Fr. Vincent will be with us until Fr. Kyle returns from Uganda. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. He realizes the generosity you have shown to him in the past, to Deacon Zachary and the cause in Jamaica. He thanks you for your kind and generous ways toward all in need.
If you would like to send money to Fr Vincent please contact :
Kristie Vollentine
Propagation of Faith
1000 Howard Ave, suite 1213
New Orleans, LA 70113.
She has the account of The diocese of Kasese in her system. He can indicate that the donation is for KYABIKERE CATHOLIC PARISH in The Diocese of Kasese, Uganda.